Four Directions Responds to the Pentagon’s Recent Announcement to Investigate Medals of Honor Awarded to Soldiers for Their Actions During the Wounded Knee Massacre.

Rosebud SD | Today, the co-executive directors of Four Directions, a South Dakota-based
national Native voting rights advocacy organization, issued a response to the Pentagon’s July
24, 2024, announcement that it will finally review the Medals of Honor awarded for the
December 29, 1890, massacre at Wounded Knee. Four Directions has tirelessly advocated for
the revocation of the medals given to soldiers responsible for the deaths of more than 300
unarmed Lakota Sioux men, women, and children on December 29, 1890.

OJ Semans, Sr. stated that, “We were encouraged to hear that, after decades of pressure from
Congress, the South Dakota State Legislature, Tribes across Indian Country, and persistent
cries from the families of those lost in the massacre, we are finally seeing a proper attempt to
investigate the facts around what happened at Wounded Knee,” says OJ. “These families may
finally see justice and at least a deeper look into the former War Department’s highly
discriminatory and vengeful behavior toward Native American people.”

Semans says he believes it’s no coincidence this review is coming at the heavy influence and behest of the first-ever Native American, Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Deb Haaland.

Barbara Semans stated that, “Finally, issues important to Native people and relationships with
Tribes are being taken seriously. We cannot allow the precedent for awarding this nation’s
highest honors to be in the name of Native people’s lives,” says Barbara.

“The families and Tribal communities of the victims still mourn their losses today. Every day, they live knowing that they are missing major parts of their cultures and identities, and that their losses are being
celebrated and honored as victorious,” says Barbara.

For years, Four Directions advocated alongside the late, retired Army nurse Marcella LeBeau of
the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation, and relentlessly walked the halls of Congress seeking justice
for these families and to advocate that history be corrected. The co-executive directors at Four
Directors praised the advocacy of Rep. Kaiali’i Kahele (D-Hawaii), a House Armed Services
Committee member, whose staunch support has created increasing visibility into the true history
of the Wounded Knee Massacre.

The organization is hopeful that continuing to furnish facts will give voice to the victims of the
massacre and their families, while revealing the true terror and truths behind this unfounded act
of violence against the Lakota people. The organization plans to continue raising visibility to this
issue through its upcoming candidate forums where, alongside Tribal leaders, elders, and youth,
they will educate political hopefuls from key states about the importance of honoring the lives of
Native people, starting with Wounded Knee.

“Now is the time to create more pressure for President Biden to exercise his power to rescind
the Medals of Honor immediately,” says OJ. “If we are to begin the healing process for Native
peoples and for this Country,

Four Directions, Inc., is a 501(c)4 organization. Contributions to Four Directions, Inc. are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes and are not subject to public disclosure.
